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Under the background of “the construction of beautifully countryside in China”, the project made a deep research about the city morphology and building typology, vegetable condition, ecology environment and culture character to focus on the specific group, children in rural area who will be the main labor force of rural construction in the future.
Through analyzing various perspective relationships in the site, considering different views between adult and children and unique children’s psychological feature, the space is divided into different type of activities space by organic-shaped route and terrain, which is dynamic static integrated and have changeable views.
“Leaning by playing” is also be concerned. Base on the concept of natural education and STEAM education theory, mass open space and constructing blocks is provided for the children to design their space freely in practice which can help them appreciate the natural, countryside social and technology better. In summary, we are not the designer of this site, instead, we only provide design tools for the children who is the real founders of this site in the future rural construction.
通过分析场地里面的动线透视关系,考虑成人(1.7米)与儿童(1.2米)不同视角切换, 以及儿童特有的心理特征,构建出流动的地形和自然蔓延的路网,从而划分出不同的空间形态和活动场所,做到移步换景,动静结合。
© 2017 by Ting Wang, Howe Chan, Siyu Chen
Under the background of “the construction of beautifully countryside in China”, the project made a deep research about the city morphology and building typology, vegetable condition, ecology environment and culture character to focus on the specific group, children in rural area who will be the main labor force of rural construction in the future.
Through analyzing various perspective relationships in the site, considering different views between adult and children and unique children’s psychological feature, the space is divided into different type of activities space by organic-shaped route and terrain, which is dynamic static integrated and have changeable views.
“Leaning by playing” is also be concerned. Base on the concept of natural education and STEAM education theory, mass open space and constructing blocks is provided for the children to design their space freely in practice which can help them appreciate the natural, countryside social and technology better. In summary, we are not the designer of this site, instead, we only provide design tools for the children who is the real founders of this site in the future rural construction.
通过分析场地里面的动线透视关系,考虑成人(1.7米)与儿童(1.2米)不同视角切换, 以及儿童特有的心理特征,构建出流动的地形和自然蔓延的路网,从而划分出不同的空间形态和活动场所,做到移步换景,动静结合。
© 2017 by Ting Wang, Howe Chan, Siyu Chen