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Life is here or there.
The reality and troubles are here while the virtual and dreams are there.
When you work day and night for the living
Have you ever thought about the third meaning of the life?
It is not far away, its right here.
The project aims to redefine the Augmented Reality (AR) into a scenario based restorative landscape system for ‘being away’, in order to heal the mental stress for workers in here in urban village. The scenarios in there are collected from interviews, interactive drama show and deep desires of workers.
The project includes two parts of questions:First, to define what scenarios can let workers to ’being away’ existing stress and to heal? Second, to explore, expect emerging technology, how the redefined AR system can be realize on the ground locally and interactively through regenerating the ‘invisible’ boundary in the urban village with different layering materials?
Hope when you are look at here, you will found here is there.
Life and dreams, they are everywhere.
有人说, 生活不在「此处」, 就在「彼处」
通过重新定义‘增强现实’这一概念和技术, 该设计旨在为清湖社区生活在「此处」压力中的工人,创造基于愿景设计的疗愈性的景观系统。其中「彼处」的场景,收集于多次和工人的采访,一次与工人的情景互动表演秀,和无数来自工人内心深处的渴望。
设计包括两个部分:第一, 去定义什么场景能让工人‘逃离’现实的压力和治愈心理。 第二, 去实验探索,除了运用新兴技术, 如何通过不同层面材质来‘增强现实’在城中村‘看不见’的边界上,以此将疗愈性的景观愿景设计与场地和公众参与结合.
Life is here or there.
The reality and troubles are here while the virtual and dreams are there.
When you work day and night for the living
Have you ever thought about the third meaning of the life?
It is not far away, its right here.
The project aims to redefine the Augmented Reality (AR) into a scenario based restorative landscape system for ‘being away’, in order to heal the mental stress for workers in here in urban village. The scenarios in there are collected from interviews, interactive drama show and deep desires of workers.
The project includes two parts of questions:First, to define what scenarios can let workers to ’being away’ existing stress and to heal? Second, to explore, expect emerging technology, how the redefined AR system can be realize on the ground locally and interactively through regenerating the ‘invisible’ boundary in the urban village with different layering materials?
Hope when you are look at here, you will found here is there.
Life and dreams, they are everywhere.
有人说, 生活不在「此处」, 就在「彼处」
通过重新定义‘增强现实’这一概念和技术, 该设计旨在为清湖社区生活在「此处」压力中的工人,创造基于愿景设计的疗愈性的景观系统。其中「彼处」的场景,收集于多次和工人的采访,一次与工人的情景互动表演秀,和无数来自工人内心深处的渴望。
设计包括两个部分:第一, 去定义什么场景能让工人‘逃离’现实的压力和治愈心理。 第二, 去实验探索,除了运用新兴技术, 如何通过不同层面材质来‘增强现实’在城中村‘看不见’的边界上,以此将疗愈性的景观愿景设计与场地和公众参与结合.
'AR boundary' Installation in exhibition
Project concept diagram
AR customer system design
Restorative scenario achieved by AR devices
Project introduction
'AR boundary' Experimental Installation