王婷是一位環境人文學者。她目前在香港中文大學建築學院擔任博士後研究員。她博士畢業於香港大學,並是香港大學學校博士研究生獎學金獲得者。她的研究興趣主要集中在城市與環境治理,景觀與生态規劃,生态修复與自然教育。她的博士研究課題關注與中國東南沿海地區,長三角和珠三角的濕地建造與管理。                                                             她是國際組織 青年參與濕地(YEW)的亞洲區代表。她是國際規劃曆史學會(IPHS),國際中國規劃學會(IACP)會員,參與了多項與城市環境治理有關的課題,比如中國蘇州市工業園區智慧城市農業研究項目和吳江雙灣村可持續農業景觀研究。她是《城市中國》雜誌海外觀察員,《广东园林》期刊特約審稿人,蘇州市林學會高級顧問。王婷在城市中國雜誌和澎湃新聞媒体平台擁有專欄 /自然與城市/,以及 /普通人的自然/。王婷還是中國林業出版社自然科普書籍作者,於2022年出版首部麵向全年齡段的科普繪本《向南飛 向北飛》,探究中國東方白鸛的遷徙與溼地保護。

Ting WANG Sarah is a postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She got her Ph.D. in the Faculty of Architecture at The University of Hong Kong and is the recipient of the University Postgraduate Fellowship. Her research interests concentrate in Environmental governance, landscape architecture and planning. Bridging the field of political ecology, STS and Environmental anthropology, her Ph.D. The dissertation explores the politics of mainstream wetland constructions in Tai Lake Basin, Yangtze River Delta, China.

Ting is an Asian regional representative for Youth Engaged in Wetlands (YEW) , an international youth team committed to the conservation, protection, and wise-use of wetlands. She is the chairman of CIB-HKU Student Chapter (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) and a member of the International Association for China Planning (IACP). She leads the organizing committee of the “TRANSFERS: Diffusions and Mobilities in the Built Landscapes of Asia and Beyond” International conference in Hong Kong 2019 and is the co-curator of TEDxYuyangShan annual conference “Shoulders of Giants 2019”. She has presented her work at international conferences including the “Graduate Workshop on China in the urban age: environmental global challenge and Eco-civilization” in Sydney 2018 and “APRU Sustainable Cities & Landscape Conference “in Hong Kong 2018.  

She is an urban researcher and designer with hybrid educational background. She was graduated from Master of Landscape Architecture in The University of Hong Kong in 2018 and Urban Planning and Design undergraduate course in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in 2016.


Freelance writer/ curator/

Land columns "Nature and City" in Urban China magazine and "A New Normal for Nature" in The Paper news


With a key focus on environmental issues, she has involved in several awarded research projects such as smart urban agriculture in SIP, Suzhou (2nd Prize in Outstanding Achievement Award of Applied Social Science Project 2017); sustainable rural landscape development model in ShuangWan village, Suzhou (a shortlisted project of China in 2015 Asian townscape award of UN-HABITAT). She recently published a book chapter on Social Value of Urban Rooftop Farming: A Hong Kong Case Study and a journal article on Urban Heat Island effects.

Apart from research, her design works also won several design competitions from China Urban Planning Education Network (CUPEN) to the International University design competition in Creative Village (L&A) and Asian Design Award. Her recent cutting-edge design work ‘HERE-THERE, A Scenario-Based Restorative Landscape System with Augmented Reality’ is exhibited in 2017 Shenzhen & Hong Kong BI-CITY BIENNALE OF URBANISM\ARCHITECTURE (UABB). As a social activist, she attended several TEDx talks and international workshops with UNESCO, KU Leuven, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the University of Sydney, Tongji University, and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.


Wang T. (2025) Exploring a Monitoring Model for Water Management in the Grand Canal in Suzhou, China, Blue Paper. (Accepted)

Zhu Y, Mu Y, Wang T, Feng Y. (2025) Construction and Application of a Rapid Ecological Health Assessment Method for Small Wetlands in Water Network Areas: A Case Study of Suzhou [水网地区小微湿地生态健康快速评价方法构建与应用 - 以苏州市为例], Wetland Science. (Accepted)

Chu, C., and Wang T. (2025). 20th Century China - Planning and Urbanism, Oxford Bibliographies. (Accepted)

Da Y, Wang T and An H. (2023) Fly south - Fly north: The Oriental White Stork's Journey to the Wetlands [向南飞 向北飞]. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing. ISBN: 9787521919424. https://item.jd.com/10071761405131.html

Bao Z, Ou Y, Chen S and Wang, T. (2022) Land Use Impacts on Traffic Congestion Patterns: A Tale of a Northwestern Chinese City. Land 11, no. 12: 2295. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122295

Chen S, Wang T, Bao Z and Lou V. (2022) A Path Analysis of the Effect of Neighborhood Built Environment on Public Health of Older Adults: A Hong Kong Study. Frontiers in Public Health 10:861836. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.861836

Wang T., Jiang B. (2021) Understanding the Manufacturing Plant of Foxconn: Global Visions and Local Practices in the Labor Regime of China. In: Jiang B. (eds) Landscape Empowerment. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2067-9_2

Wang T. (2021) Here – There: A Scenario-Based Restorative Landscape System. In: Jiang B. (eds) Landscape Empowerment. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2067-9_5

Wang T. (2020) Wetland Governance: Contested Aspirations and Reflexive Roles of Local Professionals Toward Worlding Cities in Tai Lake Basin. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8:577357. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.577357

Wang T. (2020) Where is the ‘boundary’ of the city. Urban China Magazine, Online issue of Epidemic and Cities.

Wang T. & Pryor, M. (2019) Social value of urban rooftop farming: a Hong Kong case study. In: Kulshreshtha, S. N. (ed.) Agricultural Economics: Current Issues. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89279 ·

Wang, T. (2018) HERE & THERE: A Scenario Based Restorative Landscape System by Augmented Reality. In: ZHOU, W. & WANG, J. (eds.) Collection of achievement of the 15th national annual teaching conference on architecture and design in colleges and universities of fine arts. Beijing, China: China Architecture & Building Press.

Kim, H., Zhou, Y. & Wang, T. (2015) Measuring ground-level urban temperature: a case study of Suzhou, China, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(S8), pp. 607–613, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645.


Wang, T. (2024, Sept 05). “东亚鸟保推手:从东方白鹳开始的跨国合作” [Driving Bird Conservation in East Asia: Transnational Cooperation Sparked by the Oriental White Stork]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻 The Paper.

Yu M., & Wang, T. (2022, June 27). “社区播种者:城市封控下的共治实践” [Community Seeder: Co-governance practices under city lock-down]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻 The Paper.

Wang, T., & Fan, M. (2022, April 28). “湿地自然学校的”苏州经验““ [The Suzhou experience of wetland Nature School]. Nature Education. 中国绿色时报China Green Times. (04).

Wang, T. (2022, April 22). “自然教育:政府与民间力量合作的多种可能” [Nature education: Various possibilities of cooperation between government and civil forces]. Nature education. Mangrove Conservation Foundation.

Wang, T. (2022, January 31). “动物学家:水牛、水鸟与基围虾的共同复育” [Zoologist: Restoration of buffalo, waterfowl and Gei Wai shrimps]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻 The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, September 29). “自然教育导师:在国家湿地公园讲一棵草” [Nature Education Tutor: Narrating a grass in the National Wetland Park]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻 The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, July 16). “湿地站站长:自然保护,立法只是第一步” [The head of the wetland station: Legislation is only the first step for nature protection]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻 The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, June 17). “驻场景观设计师: 与植物、工地和甲方打交道” [Resident Landscape designers: Deal with plants, sites and proprietors]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, April 29). “实验室女孩:在太湖隐世小岛上做科研” [Lab girls: Doing research on a hidden island of Tai Lake]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, April 1).“城市农夫:在高密度城市如何实现种地自由” [Urban Farmers: How to have freedom of farming in a high-density city]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, February 27). “观鸟人:你吃“长嘴鸟”,就是在吃我” [Birders: If you eat the long-billed birds, you're eating me]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻The Paper.

Wang, T. (2021, February 26). “序:生态焦虑下,我们还能做什么” [Preface: What else can we do under ecological anxiety]. 普通人的自然专栏A new normal for nature. 澎湃新闻The Paper.

Liu, D., & Wang, T. (2020, May 17). “郊野公园遍地开花,但还缺少什么” [Country parks bloom everywhere, but what is missing]. 自然与城市专栏Nature and City. Urban China Magazine.

Wang, T. (2020, April 22). “城市的“边界”在哪里” [Where is the ‘boundary’ of cities]. 疫·城市Issue of Epidemic and Cities. Urban China Magazine.


Magini A, Gorrin C, Jones D, Ferreira Hugo, Ylonen M, Sanchez M E, Conolly S, Wang T. (2023) Fantastic COPs and how to navigate them: A Ramsar COP14 report by YEW. Designed by Tabilog Matthew. Youth Engaged in Wetlands.

Guo L, Zhao X, Feng Y, Zhou T, Li X, Wang T, Xie D, Zhu Y, Wang Q and Lin K. (2021) Construction Guidelines for Wetland Nature Education Base 湿地类自然教育基地建设导则(T/CSF 019-2021),Social organization standards of Chinese society of forestry, November 30.


Column - based Documenting of Environmental Action of Ordinary People in Contemporary China”, 5-13 November, 2022, Youthful Wetland Dialogue on Metaverse, Ramsar COP14, China and Geneva

“A New Normal for Nature”, June 05 - July 09, 2022, Degree show, The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture, Hong Kong

“HERE-THERE: A Scenario Based Restorative Landscape System”, December 15, 2017–March 17, 2018, SZ-HK Urbanism\ Architecture Bi-City Biennale (UABB), Shenzhen
